A.1.1.09 – Prices of Sesame Seeds and Sesame Oil in the Ur III Period

This dossier gathers and analyzes the data on prices of sesame seeds and sesame oil in the Ur III period. The available data point to a significant drop in prices during the reigns of Amar-Suena (AS.01.- AS.07.) and Šu-Suen (ŠS.04 – ŠS.06) as well as a significant rise – about 6 times higher – during the reign of Ibbi-Suen (IS.07 – IS.08). The latter was in connection with major political changes during the last decades of the Ur III kingdom.

1. The price of sesame seeds

Prices of sesame seeds are documented only for the reigns of Šulgi, Amar-Suena and Šu-Suen. During this period of time one could purchase between 60 and 75 litres (40.8 to 51 kg) of sesame seeds (še-ĝeš-i3[glossary=še-ĝeš-i3]) for one giĝ (8.3 g) of silver (see graph below). In the year AS.05 a significant drop in price is attested in an unprovenanced document (possibly Ĝaršana): 100 litres (68 kg) of sesame seeds per one giĝ (8.3 g) of silver (CUSAS 06 1531).

The prices occur in administrative texts, often in balanced accounts on sesame or sesame fields and sometimes in receipts concerning the sale of sesame seeds. These texts are rarely dated with month names, so seasonal variations cannot be detected. Nevertheless, in at least in two cases it is clear that silver was credited to the account of the Umma provincial administration either as revenue or in lieu of sesame seeds (Nebraska 44 r. ii 29-30; UCP 9/2/1 078 r. 5). Furthermore, Ne.ne, undoubtedly the „scribe of oil (matters)“ (dub-sar i3), paid silver to Enua, very likely the „scribe of silver (matters)“ (dub-sar ku3(-ga)) as repaid arrears of sesame seeds for the provincial administration of Irisaĝrig (CUSAS 40/2 0871 o. 2). This confirms that silver was circulating among various social strata and sometimes obligations to the central administration were preferentially fulfilled in silver rather than with the expected amounts of sesame seeds. Or, put differently, sesame seeds likely represented a better source of income if sold for silver, rather than given to the central administration as its due share (see Dossier A.1.1.05 §4).

Price of sesame seeds
Date Product Quantity (litres) Price (silver in giĝ) Price (silver in grams) Litres per one giĝ of silver Price of one litre in giĝ Text Place Type of text
Šu.25.01.00 sesame 1200 17 141.6 72 0.013 BPOA 7 1560 Umma[geogr=Umma] Receipt of sesame seeds with registration of its price
Šu.47.00.00 sesame 940 15 ⅔ 130.5 60.26 0.016 UCP 9/2/1 078 r. 5 Umma Balanced account on sesame fields; price of sesame seeds
AS.03.00.00 sesame 1440 24 200 60 0.016 Nebraska 44 r. ii 29-30 Umma Account summary of the silver revenues for the fiscal office from various goods during four years
AS.05.00.00 sesame 6,300 8 525 100 0.01 CUSAS 06 1531 Ĝaršana[geogr=Ĝaršana]? Receipt of sesame bought with silver
AS.08.00.00 sesame 270 4 ½ 37.5 60 0.016 TCTI 1 00846 o. 11-12 Ĝirsu[geogr=Ĝirsu] Balanced account on expenditures of sesame; price of sesame seeds
ŠS.08.00.00 sesame 90,225 1,203 10,024.6 75 0.013 CUSAS 40/2 0871 o. 2 Irisaĝrig[geogr=Irisaĝrig] Silver in lieu of sesame as repaid arrears; price of sesame seeds
0000.00.00 sesame 40,500 1,125 300 0.003 ITT 2 02751 Ĝirsu Letter about the workload of sesame boats registering the sale of sesame seeds
[…].00.00 sesame 545 5 ⅓ giĝ 21 še 45.4 100 0.01 TLB 3 152 o. 5ˈ-6ˈ, 10ˈ-11ˈ unknown Balanced account on sesame; price of sesame seeds and sesame oil
[…].00.00 sesame 10,800 120 1000 90 0.01 NATN 694 o. 1-2 Nippur[geogr=Nippur] Receipt of silver as revenue from sesame seeds


Nisaba 15/2 0566, IS.01.02.00

This text registers the receipt of sesame seeds by an individual, probably a merchant, with indication of their price in silver. On the one hand, the corresponding amount of silver given in line o. 2 is epigraphically uncertain. On the other hand, the text is published only in transliteration and neither a handcopy nor photos are available to collate the line. If we follow the edition, then in the year Ibbi-Suen 1, 1 sila/litre of sesame seeds cost 0.6 giĝ of silver or 1 giĝ of silver bought 1.7 litres of sesame seeds. This price would be 46 times higher than the price of sesame seeds at the end of the reign of Šu-Suen. The price of sesame oil rose up to 6 times higher during the reign of Ibbi-Suen, but not more. Therefore, the price of sesame seeds attested on this tablet is to be regarded as inconclusive until the relevant line can be collated.

Nisaba 26 094, AS.06.00

This text registers the account of the „left over of the personnel“ (la2-ni lu2 niĝ2-dab5-ba-ke4-ne) in the districts of Apisal, Guedina and Mušbiana. It lists an amount of sesame seeds indicating its corresponding amount of silver (o. ii 18 – r. i 1). On the one hand, the corresponding amount of silver given on line r. i 1 is much too small, so that a giĝ of silver would have bought 1,931 litres of sesame seeds. On the other hand, the text is published only in transliteration and neither a handcopy nor photos are available to collate the passage. Therefore, the price of sesame seeds attested on this tablet is to be regarded as inconclusive until the relevant line can be collated.

2. The price of sesame oil

The price of sesame oil (i3-ĝeš[glossary=i3-ĝeš]) is documented by many more attestations dated from the reign of Šulgi until the reign of Ibbi-Suen. The major part of these attestations belong to the expenditures section („it is expended out of it“ ša3-bi-tazi-ga-am3) of balanced accounts on Umma merchants that supplied the central administration with sesame oil. On the relationship between sesame and silver in the Umma province and the role of merchants see Dossier A.1.1.05.

For one giĝ (8.3 g) of silver one could obtain 6 to 15 litres (4 to 10.2 kg) of sesame oil (see graph below). A constant drop in prices is attested by Umma’s merchants accounts during the reign of Amar-Suena (AS.01-AS.07) until its peak in the years ŠS.04-06. The one time rise in the year AS.09 is attested only once in the balanced account of the Inana temple in Nippur. This text is published only in transliteration and neither a handcopy nor photos are available to verify – and if necessary to collate – the passage (BBVO 11 257 4N-T197 r. iii 17-18).  Due to political and economic struggles during the reign of Ibbi-Suen, the price of sesame oil rose by about 4.8 times, i.e., one could only buy 2.5 litres (1.7 kg) of oil with one giĝ (8.3 g) of silver (Waetzoldt 1985: 81-82).

The price of aromatized (du10-ga) sesame oil is only attested once in Umma in the year Šu.40 and indicates that it was significantly more expensive than standard sesame oil (AUCT 2 173 o. 5-6, r. 1-2).

Waetzoldt (1985: 82) pointed out that “Vergleicht man nun den Preis der Körner mit dem des Öls, so ergibt sich meist eine Relation von 1:5 oder 20%. Das bedeutet, dass die Körner nur 1/5 des Öls kosten oder anders ausgedrückt, der Wert der Körner bestimmte sich durch den Ölgehalt, denn wir haben ja gerade festgestellt, dass man aus den Körnern Ca. 20% Öl gewinnen konnte“ (English: „if one compares the price of the seeds with that of the oil, there usually results a ratio of 1:5 or 20%. This means that the seeds cost only 1/5 of the oil or, in other words, the value of the seeds was determined by the oil percentage, because (…) from the seeds it was possible to obtain about 20% oil”).

Price of sesame oil
Date Product Quantity (litres) Price (silver in giĝ/shekel) Price (silver in grams) Litres per one giĝ/shekel of silver Price of one litre in giĝ/shekel of silver Text Place Type of text
Šu.39.12.00 sesame oil 7 58 ½ 7.3 8 0.12 AUCT 2 163 Umma Receipt of  sesame oil with indication of its price in silver
Šu.40.00.00 sesame oil 34 3 ⅔ giĝ 20 še 31.5 9 0.1 TUT 122 r. i 7  Ĝirsu Account of various goods and their prices, among them sesame oil, during two years
Šu.40.05.00 aromatised (du10-ga[glossary=du10-ga]) sesame oil 7 1 ½ 12.5 4.7 0.2 AUCT 2 173 o. 5-6, r. 1-2 Umma Expenditure of various goods, among them standard and aromatized sesame oil with their price
sesame oil 4 ½ 16.7 8 0.12
Šu.43.10.00 sesame oil 24 2 ⅔ 22.2 9.2 0.1 CT 05 38 BM 017752 o. ii 3-12 Ĝirsu Balanced account on a merchant: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
sesame oil 10 1 giĝ 20 še 9.2 9 0.1
AS.01.12.00 sesame oil 376.5 31 ⅓ giĝ 7 ½  še 261.4 12 0.08 HSS 04 003 r. v 9-10 Ĝirsu Balanced account on oil of Urabba [individual=Urabba ] son of Bazi (among the expenditures)
AS.03.00.00 sesame oil 325.6 27 giĝ 25 še 226.1 12 0.08 Ledgers pl. 02 02 o. 10-11 Umma Balanced account of a merchant: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
AS.04.00.00 sesame oil 607 45 ½ giĝ 4 ½ še 379.3 13.3 0.07 Ledgers pl. 32 18 o. 1-2, r. 20-21 Umma Receipt of sesame oil and lard „bought“ (sa10-a) by Ur-Sulpae with respective prices
AS.04.00.00 sesame oil 600 45 375 13.3 0.07 TCL 5 6046 r. ii 13-14 Umma Account on various merchants: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
AS.05.00.00 sesame oil 118 8 ⅚ giĝ minus 3  še 73.5 13.4 0.07 Ledgers pl. 09 06 o. 9-10 Umma Balanced account on a merchant: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
AS.05.00.00 sesame oil 120 9 75 13.3 0.07 TCL 5 6052 r. i 8-10 Umma Balanced account on a merchant: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
AS.06.11.00 sesame oil 2 1.4 12 0.08 JRAS 1939 32 o. ii 24-25 Umma Balanced account on a merchant: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
AS.06.11.00 sesame oil 15 1 ⅕ 10 12.5 0.08 Ledgers pl. 15 09 o. iii 14-15 Umma Balanced account on a merchant: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
AS.07.07.00 sesame oil 40 3 ⅔ 30.6 11.1 0.09 Ledgers pl. 17 10 o. iii 12-15 Umma Balanced account on a merchant: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
sesame oil 60 5 ⅔ 47.2 10.7 0.09
AS.07.09.00 sesame oil 2 1.4 12 0.08 Ledgers pl. 19 11 r. i 18′-19′ Umma Balanced account on a merchant: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
AS.08.12.00 sesame oil 36.6 3 ⅔ 30.6 10.2 0.09 MVN 01 240 o. ii 6-7 Umma Balanced account on a merchant: Price of oil (expenditures section)
AS.08.12.00 sesame oil 57 5 ⅔ giĝ 6 še 47.5 10 0.1 TCL 5 6045 o. ii 2-3 Umma Balanced account on silver: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
AS.09.00.00 sesame oil 57 9 ½ 79.2 6 0.17 BBVO 11 257 4N-T197 r. iii 17-18 Nippur Balanced account on the Inana temple: Price of sesame oil („surplus“ section)
AS.09.00.00 sesame oil 402.02 40 ⅙ giĝ 4 ½ še 336.3 10 0.1 ASJ 11 204-216 r. ii 33-34 Umma Balanced account on the sales of a merchant: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
ŠS.04.00.00 sesame oil 1,200 80 666.6 15 0.07 Ledgers pl. 37 21 r. 2-3 Umma Account of various goods with their prices (expenditures section of a balanced account)
ŠS.06.00.00 sesame oil 12 1 8.3 12 0.08 SNAT 504 r. 6-7 Umma Balanced account on a merchant: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
ŠS.06.00.00 sesame oil 1,517 110 916.6 13.8 0.07 TCL 5 6037 r. i 4-5; r. iii 25-26; r. iv 24-25 Umma Account on various merchants: Price of sesame oil (expenditures section)
sesame oil 5 giĝ 9 še 3.2 13 0.08
sesame oil 12 giĝ 24 še 6.7 15 0.07
IS.07.10.00 sesame oil 7,786 60 500 2.5 0.4 UET 9 0882 o. 1-3 Ur[geogr=Ur]  Account on various merchants: Price of sesame oil (entrusted capital section)
IS.07.11.00 sesame oil 600 240 1,999.9 2.5 0.4 UET 3 1165 o. 1-3 Ur Balanced account on Seskala (entrusted capital section)
IS.07.12.00 sesame oil 1,750 700 5,833 2.5 0.4 UET 9 1065 o. 1-3 Ur Balanced account on bovines with their prices (entrusted capital section)
IS.08.09.00 sesame oil 3,371 [1,348] ⅓ giĝ 11 še [11,236.2] 2.5 0.4 UET 3 1201 r. iii 1 ˈ -3ˈ Ur Account on vegetable oil: Price of sesame oil
[…].[…].00.00 sesame oil 10 1 giĝ 20 še 9.26 9 0.1 NATN 563 r. 3 Nippur List of oils and fats with their prices
[…].[…].00.00 sesame oil 2 1.4 12 0.08 UDT 179 o. 1-2 Puzriš-Dagān[geogr=Puzriš-Dagān] Receipt of various goods: Price of butter and sesame oil
[…].[…].04.00 aromatised (du10-ga) sesame oil 5 1 8.333 5 0.2 AUCT 1 517 r. 9-10 Umma (?) List of various goods with their prices, among them sesame oil
[…].[…].[…] sesame oil 4 ½ 4 8 0.12 BE 3/1 099 r. 3 Nippur Fragmentary list of goods and their prices
[…].[…].00.00 sesame oil 1 21 še 0.8 8,6 0.1 MVN 15 157 o. 3-4 Nippur (?) Receipt of silver from sesame oil sesame oil 2 28 še  1.3 12.9 0.078 MVN 03 343 r. 5 Unknown Fragmentary list of goods and their prices  aromatised (du10-ga) sesame oil 0.083 2 še  0.07 7.5 0.1 SAT 3 2102 o. 7-8 Umma Expenditure of various goods with their prices


AUCT 2 163

Line o. 2, with indication of the price, is to be read as follows: „its silver 1 〈giĝ〉 minus 22.5 še 〈〈giĝ〉〉 of silver“ ku3-be2 1 〈giĝ4〉 la2 22.5 še 〈〈giĝ4〉〉 ku3-babbar, i.e. 157.5 še.

Nisaba 15/2 1120,, Umma region.

This text is only published in transliteration and neither a handcopy nor photos are available to collate the unclear passages.

The price of sesame oil in lines o. 5 – r. 1 features an unclear formulation on line o. 6: „its silver 3 … še“ (ku3-be2 3 igi še). The price indicated on r. 1 with 20 še per one litre of sesame oil is in line with the prices attested in the years Šu.40-43 and AS.08. The online database CDLI (P454238, https://cdli.ucla.edu/search/search_results.php?SearchMode=Text&ObjectID=P454238, last accessed 31.08.2021) offers an attempted interpretation, reading line o. 6 as follows: „its silver: oil of the sort 10 – 1 (?) (sila per giĝ)“ ku3-be2 i3?! 10 la2 1 (sila per giĝ), indicating the corresponding litres of sesame oil per one giĝ. This interpretation is, however, highly speculative and not without problems; therefore the meaning of line o. 6 must still remain unclear in this regard.

Line lo. ed. 1 may be interpreted as given by the edition: „2 sila (litres) of aromatized sesame oil, (its silver) 11 še“ (2 sila3 i3-ĝeš du11-ga / 11 še) or as „2 sila (litres) of aromatized sesame oil (of the sort) 11 sila (litres per giĝ)“ (2 sila3 i3-ĝeš du11-ga / 11-kam), as suggested in the online database CDLI (P454238, https://cdli.ucla.edu/search/search_results.php?SearchMode=Text&ObjectID=P454238, last accessed 31.08.2021). Both interpretations result in similar prices, though only the second one fits with the total amount of silver given in line le.ed. 1 (5 ½ giĝ). Therefore the second interpretation is to be preferred. In any case, it results in two different prices of scented sesame oil in the same text (see summarizing table below).

Prices of sesame oil and aromatized sesame oil according to Nisaba 15/2 1120.
Date Product Quantity (litres) Price (silver in giĝ/shekel) Price (silver in grams) Litres per one giĝ/shekel of silver Price of one litre in giĝ/shekel of silver Text passage Place Type of text aromatised (du10-ga) sesame oil 1 ⅙ 6 še 1.7 5 0.2 o. 3 – 4 Umma region Receipt of wool, sesame oil and aromatized sesame oil with indication of their prices
sesame oil 1 20 še 0.05 9 0.1 o. 5 – r. 1
aromatised (du10-ga) sesame oil 5 1 8.3 5 0.2 r. 4 – 5
aromatised (du10-ga) sesame oil 2 34 še 1.6 11 0.06 lo. ed. 1 

NATN 160, […].00.00, Nippur

This is an account of sesame oil, scented sesame oil and butter with indication of their prices and of their addressee, sometimes an individual, a cultic place, or deities. The lack of a specific administrative term does not allow the identification of the transaction in greater detail. The total of „scented oil/fat“ (i3 du10-ga) in line o. 7 exactly matches the sum of the individual amounts listed in lines o. 1 – 6 only if line o. 6 is read as follows: „½ sila: Niĝar“ (½ sila3 niĝarĝar). Moreover, the price registered in line r. 1-3 poses some problems. R. 3 could refer to both the amounts registered in the previous two lines r. 1-2, though only r. 1 clearly indicates an amount of sesame oil. Line r. 2 instead registers another unidentified substance measured in litres, though not sesame oil. Therefore, the price given in line r. 3 cannot have referred alone and beyond any doubt to the amount of sesame oil registered in line r. 1. The price indication therefore remains inconclusive.

Amherst 050

This text was quoted by Waetzoldt cite key=“20936″ f=“year“ p=“93″] as a source for an indication of price, yet no price is documented here.


  • Waetzoldt 1985 = Waetzoldt, Hartmut (1985): Ölpflanzen und Pflanzenöle im 3. Jahrtausend, in: Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture 2, 77-96.