CUSAS 26 204 r.6-9

LineText originalText translated
r. 62c dug i3 ši-iq-dum
r. 7 10c la2 1c udu-a-kam
r. 8 šu ib-ni-lugal
r. 9 šu ĝešgigir2

r.7: Westenholz 2014 did not read this line („lu-a-kam“); I assume an exchange of almond oil for sheep. For the value of sheep in the Sargonic period, a price of ½ shekel of silver for 1 sheep is known from Girsu (ITT 2 5804 r.1′); thus the 2 jars of probably 60 sila/litres were worth 4.5 giĝ/shekels of silver; this is almost exactly the same price as one paid for olive oil (60 litres for 4 giĝ/shekels) a few decades later in Girsu (A.1.2.01 on Kaskal 15 11 03).

The text from the archive of Lugalra lists various products such as barley groats (niĝ2-ar3-ra) and leaven (babir), or pulses and lard, related to one individual (šu PN „that of PN“). The lines regarding almond oil are the penultimate entry, followed by leaven (r.10-11); the final line (r.12) says: „Utu-ḫili has received that (imḫur)“.


  • Westenholz 2014 = Westenholz, Aage (2014): A Third-Millennium Miscellany Of Cuneiform Texts. Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology 26. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press.